Ultra Traces Analysis Aquitaine (UT2A) is a laboratory specialized in inorganic analytical chemistry which was created in 1999 as a evaluation unit of the Bio-Inorganic and Environment Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (LCABIE) of the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour. Since 2009, UT2A has become an independent technology transfer center whose administrative and financial management is carried out by ADERA whose main mission is to develop and multiply relations between the research and the industrial sectors. The status of the laboratory is therefore the one of ADERA, a non-profit organization.
UT2A continues to have close links with LCABIE from IPREM (UMR CNRS/UPPA 5254), a team recognized world-wide for its skill in instrumentation development and analytical methods for speciation analysis (identification and quantification of chemical forms of metals and metalloids). Our team has therefore access to cutting-edge analytical equipment and to the latest developments from research (preparation techniques, instrumentation, etc…).