Research articles

The expertise of UT2A is recognized world-wide for its skills in the development of instrumentation and analytical methods. The laboratory promotes its development and its research work in scientific journals.

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Optimisation of selective alkaline extraction for Cr(VI) determination in dairy and cereal products by HPIC–ICPMS using an experimental design

Hernandez F., Séby F., Millour S., Noël L., Guérin T.

Food Chemistry, 2017, 113, 981-988

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Optimization and validation of the methods for the total mercury and methylmercury determination in breast milk

V. Vacchina, F. Séby, R. Chekri, J. Verdeil, J. Dumont, M. Hulin, V. Sirot, J-L. Volatier, R. Serreau, A. Rousseau, T. Simon, T. Guérin.

Talanta, 2017, 167, 404-410

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Development of an alternative analytical methodology to monitor industrial degreasing baths by dynamic light scattering

Menta M., Frayret J., Grassl B., Gleyzes C., Castetbon A., Potin-Gautier M.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 113, 981-988.

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Beryllium in exhaled breath condensate as a biomarker of occupational exposure in primary production aluminium plant

Hulo S., Radauceanu A., Chérot-Kornobis N., Howsam M., Vacchina V., De Broucker V., Rousset D., Grzebyk M., Dziurla M., Sobaszek A., Edme J.L.

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2016, 219, 40-47

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Current trends and challenges in sample preparation for metallic nanoparticles analysis in daily products and environmental samples: A review

De la Calle I., Menta M., Séby F.

Spectrochimica Acta – Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 2016, 126, 66-96

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Analyses de formes chimiques et de nanoparticules dans les échantillons d’eau : méthodes analytiques, préconcentration et validation

Séby F., Dumont J., Gleyzes C., Menta M., Vacchina V., Bueno M.

Revue des Sciences de l’Eau, 2015, 28, 27-32.

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Cr(VI) speciation in foods by HPLC-ICP MS: investigation of Cr(VI)/food interactions by size exclusion and Cr(VI) determination and stability by ion-exchange on-line separations

Vacchina V., De la Calle I., Séby F.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407, 3831-3839.

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Thiomonas sp. CB2 is able to degrade urea and promote toxic metal precipitation in acid mine drainage waters supplemented with urea

Farasin J., Andres J., Casiot C., Barbe V., Faerber J., Halter D., Heintz D., Koechler S., Lièvremont D., Lugan R., Marchal M., Plewniak F., Séby F., Bertin P.N., Arsène-Ploetze F.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00993

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Apport du couplage ETV-ICP/AES pour les analyses de spéciation dans le solide : cas de l’arsenic et du mercure

Frayret J., Gleyzes C.

Spectra Analyse 2015, 302, 49-56.


Le couplage ETV-ICP/AES représente une alternative simple et rapide à mettre en oeuvre pour l’analyse directe totale d’éléments trace dans le solide par rapport à des méthodes nécessitant une mise en solution pouvant entraîner des facteurs de dilution, des biais et des contaminations. Ce couplage peut aussi être utilisé pour obtenir des informations de spéciation directement dans la matrice solide. Cette information peut être obtenue par séparation des différents composés grâce à leur température d’évaporation. Les étapes de préparation de l’échantillon généralement utilisées sont ainsi réduites au minimum avec uniquement une étape de broyage et d’homogénéisation, limitant ainsi les risques de modification de la spéciation et permettant une analyse simple et rapide. Une modification et une optimisation des conditions d’analyses par ETV et par ICP/AES permettent d’obtenir des informations sur les différentes formes chimiques de l’arsenic et du mercure.


Use of dried blood spots and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for multi-element detection in blood

Vacchina V., Huin V., Hulo S., Cuny D., Broly F., Renom G., Perini J.-M.

Journal of Trace Elements in Medecine and Biology, 2014, 28, 255-259.

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Zinc fate in animals husbandry systems

Romeo A., Vacchina V., Legros S., Doelsch E.,

Metallomics, 2014, 6, 1999-2009

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Metagenomic insights into microbial metabolism affecting arsenic dispersion in Mediterranean marine sediments

Plewniak F., Koechler S., Navet B., Dugat-Bony E., Bouchez O., Peyret P., Séby F., Battaglia-Brunet F., Bertin P.N.

Molecular Ecology, 2013, 22, 4870-4883.

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Comparative efficiency of a new organic selenium source vs. seleno-yeast and mineral selenium sources on muscle selenium enrichment and selenium digestibility in broiler chickens

Briens M., Mercier Y., Rouffineau F., Vacchina V., Geraert P.A.

British Journal of Nutrition, 2013, 110, 617-624.

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Determination of Zn-, Cu- and Mn-glycinate complexes in feed samples and in-vitro and in-vivo assays to assess their bioaccessibility in feed samples

Vacchina V., Ionescu C., Oguey S., Lobinski R.

Talanta, 2013, 113, 14-18.

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Arsenic in marina sediments from the Mediterranean coast: speciation in the solid phase and occurrence of thioarsenates

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Bataillard P., Séby F. , Crouzet C., Moulin A., Guezennec A.G., Hurel C., Marmier N., Battaglia-Brunet F.

Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2013, 22, 984-1002

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Speciation of antimony in injectable drugs used for leishmaniasis (Glucantime) by HPLC-ICP MS and DPP

Séby F., Gleyzes C., Grosso O., Plau B., Donard O.F.X.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012, 404, 2939-2948.

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Les méthodologies analytiques pour les analyses de spéciation

Séby F., Dumont J., Vacchina V.

Spectra Analyse, 2012, 287, 49-59.


Cet article présente les techniques analytiques disponibles pour l’analyse de spéciation des éléments trace. Il est maintenant reconnu que la mesure de la concentration totale d’un élément ne permet pas d’obtenir d’information fiable sur son impact environnemental et sa toxicité. Seules les analyses de spéciation dont le principe est d’identifier et de doser les différentes formes chimiques des éléments permettent d’accéder à cette information. Cette approche nécessite de disposer de protocoles d’échantillonnage, de conservation et de préparation d’échantillon stricts qui ne modifient pas la répartition des formes chimiques. Ces protocoles sont détaillés dans cet article ainsi que les techniques instrumentales disponibles et leurs applications. Ces techniques sont la plupart du temps basées sur l’association en ligne d’une méthode séparative (méthodes chromatographiques) et d’une détection par spectrométrie atomique. Les principaux outils de validation et d’amélioration de la fiabilité des résultats (la dilution isotopique) sont détaillés.

Determination of organotin compounds in urine samples using GC-ICP-MS

Dumont J., Frery N., Vandentorren S., Séby F.

Agilent speciation handbook 2nd edition. 2012, 82-84.

Selenium exposure in subjects living in areas with high selenium concentrated drinking water: results of a French integrated exposure assessment survey

Barron E., Migeot V., Séby F., Ingrand I., Potin-Gautier M., Legube B., Rabouan S.

Environmental International, 2012, 40, 155-161

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Development of an analytical method to monitor industrial degreasing and rinsing baths

Menta M., Frayret J., Gleyzes C., Castetbon A., Potin-Gautier M.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 20, 161–169

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Evaluation of compost and mixture of compost and activated carbon as biofilter media for the treatment of indoor air pollution

Ondarts M., Hort C., Sochard S., Platel V., Moynault L., Séby F.

Environment Technology, 2012, 33, 273-284.

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Evaluation of hexavalent chromium extraction method EPA method 3060A for soils using XANES spectroscopy

Malherbe J., Isaure M.-P., Séby F., Watson Russell P., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P., Stutzman P.E., Davis C.W., Maurizio C., Unceta N., Sieber J.R., Long S. E., Donard O.F.X.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2011, 45, 10492-10500

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Unsuspected diversity of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria as revealed by widespread distribution of the aoxB gene in prokaryotes

Heinrich-Salmeron A., Cordi A., Brochier-Armanet C., Halter D., Pagnout C., Abbaszadeh-Fard E., Montaut D., Séby F., Bertin P.N., Bauda P., Arsene-Ploetze F.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2011, 77, 4685-4692

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Taxonomic and functional prokaryote diversity in mildly arsenic-contaminated sediments

Halter D., Cordi A., Gribaldo S., Gallien S., Goulhen-Chollet F., Heinrich-Salmeron A., Carapito C., Pagnout C., Montaut D., Séby F., Van Dorsselaer A., Schaeffer C., Bertin P.N., Bauda P., Arsene-Ploetze F.

Research in Microbiology, 2011, 162, 878-887.

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Chromium speciation in solid matrices and regulation: a review

Unceta N., Séby F., Malherbe J., Donard O.F.X.

Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 397, 1097-1111

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Simultaneous speciation of selenomethionine and 2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic acid by HPLC – ICP MS in biological samples

Vacchina V., Moutet M., Yadan J.C., de Baene F., Kudla B., Lobinski R.

Journal of Chromatography B, 2010, 878, 1178-1180

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Characterization of metal glycinate complexes by electrospray Q-TOF-MS/MS and their determination by capillary electrophoresis – ICP MS : application to premix samples

Vacchina V., Oguey S., Ionescu C., Bravo D., Lobinski R.

Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 398, 435-449.

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Chromium speciation in cement extracts and airborne particulates using HPLC coupled with ICP-MS

Mc Sheehy S., Séby F., Nash M.

Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 1, 25-28


A HPLC-ICP-MS method was developed to analyze trivalent and hexavalent chromium in cement extracts and airborne particulates. Method validation was performed using a NIST Certified Reference Material (CRM-545) and agreement between the measured and certified values was achieved. The determined method detection limits (MDLs) were 0.10 μg/kg for CrVI and 0.64 μg/kg for CrIII. The determined limits of quantification (LOQs) were 0.35 μg/kg for CrVI and 2.13 μg/kg for CrIII. The developed methodology allowed for sensitive and accurate chromium speciation in real samples of cement and dust extracts.

ICP-MS: Couplage plasma induit par haute fréquence – spectrométrie de masse

Paucot H., Potin-Gautier M.

Techniques de l’Ingénieur, 2010, P2720v2, 1-12

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Sensitivity improvement in ICP MS analysis of fuels and light petroleum matrices using a microflow nebulizer and heated spray chamber sample introduction

Caumette G., Lienemann C.-P., Merdrignac I., Paucot H., Bouyssiere B., Lobinski R.

Talanta, 2009, 80, 1039-1043

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The case for re-evaluating the upper limit value for selenium in drinking waters in Europe

Barron E., Migeot V., Rabouan S., Potin-Gautier M., Séby F., Hartemann P., Levi Y., Legube B.

Journal of Water and Health, 2009, 7, 630-641

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Etude de l’évolution des formes chimiques des métaux dans des sédiments marins dragués stockés à terre

Séby F., Benoit-Bonnemason C., Tessier E., Alzieu C., Aqua J.L., Sannier L., Donard O.F.X.

PARALIA, 2009, 2, s3.1-s3.12

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Total selenium and selenomethionine in pharmaceutical yeast tablets : assessment of the state of the art of measurements capabilities through international intercomparison CCQM-P86

Goenega-Infante H., Sturgeon R., Turner J., Hearn R., Sargent M., Maxwell P., Yang L., Barzev A., Pedrero Z., Camara C., Diaz Huerta V., Fernandez Sanchez M. L., Sanz-Medel A., Emese K., Fodor P., Wolf W., Goldschmidt R., Vacchina V., Szpunar J., Valiente L., Huertas R., Labarraque G., Davis C., Zeisler R., Turk G., Rizzio E., Mackay L. G., Myors R. B., Saxby D. L., Askew S., Chao W., Jun W.

Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 390, 629-642

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Determination of selenocysteine and selenomethionine in edible animal tissues by 2D size-exclusion reversed-phase HPLC – ICP MS following carbamidomethylation and proteolytic extraction

Bierla K., Dernovics M., Vacchina V., Szpunar J., Bertin G., Lobinski R.

Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 390, 1789-1798

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Simultaneous derivatization of selenocysteine and selenomethionine in animal blood prior to their specific determination by 2D size-exclusion ion-pairing reversed-phase HPLC – ICP MS

Bierla K., Vacchina V., Szpunar J., Bertin G., Lobinski R.

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2008, 23, 508-513

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Methylmercury exposure assessment using dietary and biomarker data among frequent seafood consumers in France – CALYPSO Study

Sirot V., Guérin T., Mauras Y., Garraud H., Volatier J.-L., Leblanc J.-C.

Environmental Research, 2008, 107, 30-38

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Development of analytical procedures for the determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion preventing coatings used in automotive industry

Séby F., Castetbon A., Ortega R., Guimon C., Niveau F., Barrois-Oudin N., Garraud H., Donard O.F.X.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 391, 587-597

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Méthodologies analytiques pour la spéciation des métaux dans les produits de la mer dans le cadre d’une approche bénéfice/risque (étude CALIPSO)

Garraud H., Vacchina V., Séby F., Dumont J., Sirot V., Guérin T., Leblanc J.-C.

Annales de Toxicologie Analytique, 2007, XIX, 71-80

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Techniques de détermination d’espèces chimiques d’éléments (spéciation) dans l’environnement

Séby F., Donard O.F.X.

Techniques de l’Ingénieur, 2007, P3 870v2, 1-24

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Determination of hexavalent chromium in cement by the use of HPLC-ICP-MS, FPLC-ETAAS, spectrophotometry and selective extraction techniques

Scancar J., Milacic R., Séby F., Donard O.F.X.

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2005, 9, 871-875

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Partitioning of metal species during an enriched fuel combustion experiment. Speciation in the gaseous and particulate phases

Pavageau M.P., Morin A., Séby F., Guimon C., Krupp E., Pécheyran C., Donard O.F.X.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2004, 38, 2252-2263

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Methodological advances for selenium speciation analysis in yeast

Ruiz-Encinar J., Sliwka-Kaszynska M., Polatajko A., Vacchina V., Szpunar J.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 2003, 500, 171-183

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Sensitive species-specific monitoring of a new triplatinum anti-cancer drug and its potential related compounds in spiked human plasma by cation-exchange HPLC - ICP MS

Vacchina V., Torti L. Allievi C., Lobinski R.

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2003, 18, 884-890

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Chromium speciation by hyphenation of high-performance liquid chromatography to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry – Study of the influence of interfering ions

Séby F., Charles S., Gagean M., Garraud H., Donard O.F.X.

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2003, 18, 1386-1390

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Developments of analytical procedures for determination of total chromium by quadrupole ICP-MS and high-resolution ICP-MS, and hexavalent chromium by HPLC-ICP-MS, in different materials used in automotive industry

Séby F., Gagean M., Garraud H., Castetbon A., Donard O.F.X.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003, 377, 685-694

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Sorption behaviour of caesium on a bentonite sample

Hurel C., Marmier N., Séby F., Giffaut E., Bourg A.C.M., Fromage F.

Radiochimica Acta, 2002, 90, 695-698

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A critical review of thermodynamic data for selenium species at 25°C

Séby F., Potin-Gautier M., Giffaut E., Borge G., Donard O.F.X.

Chemical Geology, 2001, 171, 173-194

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A critical review of thermodynamic data for inorganic tin species

Séby F., Potin-Gautier M., Giffaut E., Donard O.F.X.

Geochimica et Chimica Acta, 2001, 65, 3041-3053

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Production and use of reference materials for environmental analyses: conclusions of a workshop

De Guillebon B., Pannier F., Séby F., Bennink D., Quevauviller P.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2001, 20, 160-166

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