It is now well known that the toxicity, bioavailability and mobility of an element are closely related to its chemical form. This concept is crucial for environmental diagnosis and is strategic in food and health industry for the evaluation of benefits/risks assessments.
Speciation is one of the specialities of UT2A which has more than 15 years’ experience in analytical methods related to this information. This expertise is now recognized by numerous industrial, public organisms and analytical laboratories (subcontracting).
UT2A est une laboratoire de l'analyse chimique spécialisé dans la spéciation de métaux. Nous offrons ainsi des prestations de spéciation de l'arsenic, de l'antimoine, du chrome, du cobalt, ainsi que des services de spéciation de l'iode, de l'étain, du manganèse, du mercure, du molybdène, et la spéciation du sélénium, du souffre et du vanadium.