Chemical analysis for industrial processes optimization

Today, companies need to respond to an increasing number of constraints:

  • Environmental constraints, to comply with a more and more severe legislation (emissions, use of hazardous materials, limitation of water consumption, etc…)
  • Quality constraints, with the new certifications implementation
  • Economical constraints, with a compulsory reduction of production costs

The answer to these constraints requires a research and development effort and a rigorous monitoring of the processes.

By the knowledge of the chemistry in solution and the understanding of the chemical mechanisms of attack we can help you to optimize the efficiency of the treatments, extend the serviceable life of chemical solutions, be in accordance with the REACH regulation or better manage the impact of emissions on the environment.

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Processes characterization and optimization

  • Identification of all the compounds in a chemical solution (surface preparation, pickling, surface treatment, etc…)
  • Chemical mechanism and attack kinetics determination
  • Implementation of chemical monitoring
  • Limiting factor(s) determination
  • Bath regenerating
  • Processes optimization and choice of the treatment for solid or liquid wastes (effluents treatment and/or reduction)
  • Reformulation

Implementation of monitoring methods in solution

  • Implementation of a monitoring method adapted to the industrial environment (simple methods, electrochemistry captors, etc…)
  • Methods validation, operating method writing
  • On-site training

Bibliographic studies

Examples of works accomplished

  • Development of methods allowing characterization of the trivalent chromium and its complexes in a hard chrome-plating trivalent chromium bath (HCTC project)
  • Reformulation of a Cr(VI) pickling bath with a free chromium solution
  • Development of an industrial degreasing bath
  • Development of analytical procedures for the determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion prevention coatings used in the automotive industry

  • Study of the mechanism of a frosting glass process and optimization of the etching bath
  • Processes optimization and choice of the treatment for liquid wastes
  • Development of antimony III analysis in cyanide baths

Moyens analytiques


Total metals content determination in simple or complex matrices

Ionic chromatography

Anions analysis in solution


Acid or base determination in solution